Well this is a new thing for me. I've been wanting to start journaling our days in a more concrete way so here we are. I have been married to a wonderful man for almost 21 years this month, and through the y
ears we have added 5 children to our lives - 1 by birth and 4 through adoption (the last one is still in the works).
We adopted our 17 year old son Tyler, when he was 2 months old, then we were surprised with our birth son, Isaac, who is now 16.
Years later, we began adding our 3 daughters; Hannah -10, Grace - 8 and Madeline - 7, into our home one by one through adoption. We've had the youngest one in our home through a guardianship for over 4 years and her adoption should be final sometime in August.
We have homeschooled 4 of our children from pretty much the beginning. Our styles have changed through the years and now we are
more relaxed and do a lot of what I call "life learning", along with some formal studies thrown in.
Our oldest son currently attends a residential school for multiply disabled children - he has lived off campus in a home with 5 o
ther boys and is now in a transition to be moving to a different home this next week.
That's our intro.....you'll get to know us more as the days go by...... right now the three girls and I are off to Walmart to go spend some of their birthday money - a great economics lesson!

our two young men.......

our three little princesses...........

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