Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuggings and Pullings

Lately, I've been trying to figure out who I am, what it is exactly that I am supposed to be doing at this point in my life.  In the past I had always based my identity on who others had said I was or what I was supposed to be doing, but now.....well, that didn't turn out so great. I gotta start new.

What are my dreams, desires, and goals? Better yet, what dreams, desires and goals does my Abba Father have for me? Many things are stirring in me. Some are new. Some make me nervous. Some cause excitement and anticipation again where it has been lacking. Some I have done before and I feel the pull to "go there" again.  All these tuggings and pullings are gentle yet, unrelenting. I do have to remind myself to take it "one day at a time". I have to remind myself that if God asks something of me, He will equip me. Jeremiah 29:11 is still one of my favorite verses to stand on. "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. plans for hope and a future." So, I can rest when I know that God asks something of me, that He will be with me. I won't have to go it alone. I don't have to have all the answers. I don't have to have ANY answers. I just have to follow closely to where He leads me. It's time for a new start.

What about you? Has God asked you to do anything lately? Any tuggings going on in you? 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl... it's been quite awhile since your last post. Look forward to reading your blog again :)
