With this past school year ending I am embarking on the renewed journey of home teaching our girls. They've been in the public school system for 3 years and we have all learned a a lot through the experience. I suppose teaching our kids is something that's in my blood. Rick and I made the "home school" decision within the first few years of becoming parents 20 plus years ago after hearing a program on Focus On the Family hosted by James Dobson. Shortly after that, I had an experience that made me want to find out even more. I remember carrying Isaac as an infant out of the sanctuary at church and his burp cloth fell off my shoulder onto the floor. A young boy of about 10 was walking beside me through the crowd and immediately stopped to retrieve it and very politely handed it back to me. I was instantly impressed and wanted to know more about who he was and how he was being raised. That's how I met Joe and Sharon Bacos and their wonderful "home grown" boys. Rick and I began spending time with their family and enjoying the closeness they shared. Their boys were the most polite, respectful young gentlemen I had ever met and they had a love for learning that I hadn't seen. I was hooked and she most graciously set me up through those first years with many books and materials that I would need to get started. Now, these years later I'm wondering how I can find her and tell her what an inspiration they have been to me.
Even though I was unable to home teach Tyler, I enjoyed the experience with Isaac and was blessed to see him learn and grow in his interests and "graduate" him in 2010. The girls...well, 3 years ago, they went to school. It was a tough prayerful decision, but best for the time I suppose. We have all grown through the experience and I had a refreshing one year off not teaching anyone full time. Now, I'm chomping at the bit to get back to it! So...hang on for the ride, cause,here we go!
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